     What if throughout your teenage life you had a job, you went home and you did nothing. Would you like that? A judge in New Zealand believes that is what teens should be doing instead of enjoying their youth. I'm writing this essay because I disagree with the judge in New Zealand. I believe that cities should provide a recreational facility. 
     One reason why the judge's statement is bad is if you want to motivate teenagers to get a job or visit sick people you don't call them cry babies. For example if you want someone to lose weight you don't tell them they are fat and need to lose weight. That kind of motivation just leads to the person becoming more insecure and they start to lose self esteem. The right way to motivate someone is to encourage and support them and tell them they can do it.
      If someone does listen to what the judge said and goes straight home after school and doesn't interact with anyone, chances are they will become socially awkward. A person who goes straight home and doesn't talk to anyone because they are busy mowing the lawn or studying. The person will have a hard time interacting. They won't know how to communicate with others and will always feel left out.
      While you're young you want to have the most fun possible because once you're an adult you can't have fun. You can't have fun because you have responsibilities. For example, someone who is married, has kids and an important job won't go out partying. So when you're a teenager it's important to have the most fun possible.
       In conclusion I suggest that the judge capitulate and work with politicians to form a recreational facility for kids of all ages. This will mean that kids will stay out of trouble. The kids can develop their social skills. It's also a great way to have fun because the fun years of anyone's life is always limited.


        My passion, the thing I want to do most with my life is to become a producer. A producer is someone who creates beats that are turned into songs by lying vocals on top of the beat. One of the reasons I want to become a producer because when I die I want to be remembered. The best way I know how to be remembered is to make amazing music. My music is a long ways away from being good enough to be remembered but I will keep trying and pursue my passion and one day I might reach that goal.     

    What if you went to school and there were no teachers there? Well in Chicago the teachers were on a strike. The teachers striked because they were being paid little and their health care cost was to high. The teachers were also striking because of the poor conditions of the schools. My position on this situtation is pro strike. 

    I support the strike because I believe that if you are not bring paid accordingly then you should not continue to work. If i was a teacher I'd do the same thing. I believe everyone can relate because no one wants works for free. Also their health care cost is to high for a teacher's salary. 

         Another Reason I support the strike is because the teacher's working condition are poor and hazardous. The conditions are dangerous for the teachers and students. An example of this is the condition of the band room at Chamblee High School. There is mold on the ceiling of the band room.

        I believe the Chicago Strike is important because it could start a wildfire of strikes across the nation. Which would mean kids would be on the streets, and the streets are dangerous. Drugs, Violence and Human Trafficking are examples of things that happen on the streets. So I believe that we should pay the teachers what they deserve and to fix their working conditions . So we can keep kids of the streets.

    Did you know that humans benefit from pets. The benefits that humans recieve are heatlh related. Studies have shown that stroking your pet will reduce stress. Even playing "fetch" is proven to reduce stress levels. Exercise can be recieved from pets: like walking your pet. his provided excersise to people who dont really "excersise." Pets also help us relax which is good for the heart.